Texas LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) Jurisprudence Exam

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What type of conduct is considered sexual in nature involving physical acts?

Making a request for a date

Making comments about potential sexual performance unless relevant to sexual function in counseling

Any bodily exposure of genitals, anus, or breasts

The correct choice identifies conduct that is overtly sexual in nature, specifically involving physical acts. This includes any bodily exposure of genitals, anus, or breasts, which is universally recognized as sexual conduct under various ethical guidelines and legal statutes. Such actions are typically deemed inappropriate within a counseling context, as they can create a harmful environment and violate boundaries essential for a trusting therapeutic relationship. Recognizing this helps maintain professionalism, safeguard client well-being, and adhere to applicable regulations. This choice effectively encompasses acts that are considered sexually inappropriate and reflects a clear understanding of the boundaries that should be upheld in the counseling profession.

Making sexually demeaning comments about an individual's sexual orientation


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